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11 februari - 11 juni 2023: Museum Belvédère, Als de dood



24 March - 6 April 2023: WEP SALON 


WEP is a studio building with an artist-run project space in Groningen. Opening exhibition on Friday 24th of March at 17.00 hours.

Open on 25 and 26th of March, 1, 2 and 6th of April.


Kunstpunt Groningen


Some of my paintings are for sale and for rent at the Kunstuitleen

Foto 20-11-2022 om 14.53.jpeg

26 November - 31 December 2022: galerie with tsjalling: Copy/Paste


Third groupexhibition with a theme. This Year with 25 artists.

11 - 27 November 2022: Gallery Bo Lumen, Finsterwolde


Groupexhibition with 22 artists among which Marieloes Reek, Martin Jarrie, rutger Hiemstra en Wouter Stips.

6 - 9 Oktober 2022: Art Noord, Museum Belvédère


Art Fair Museum Belvédère in Heerenveen.

My work is on show at Kunsthandel and Galerie Richard ter Borg.
Thursday till Sunday, 10.00 tot 17.00 hours.


Art Noord


14 March 2021 t/m 11 April 2021: Pictura, Groningen


A groupexhibition: Corona and the sales.

To visit the exhibition, you can make an appointment at Pictura.

28 November 2020 - 9 January 2021: cake

10 years gallery with tsjalling:


In December it has been ten years since gallery with tsjalling: opened his doors in an empty shop premises in the Oosterstraat. Four locations and even 85 exhibitions and 24 art fairs later, now it is time to celebrate with a special exhibition.

Fourty artists have been asked to give their interpretation on the theme 'Cake', which led to a great variety of artworks.


Opening on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 November from 12 – 18 hours.
Er kunnen maximaal 4 personen tegelijk naar binnen, dus er kan een kleine wachttijd zijn.


10 June - 18 October 2020 Museum de Oude Wolden, Bellingwolde


A groupexhibition with 30 artists from the region Groningen.

Schermafbeelding 2020-05-24 om 11.59.42.
zwischenraumeonlineseptember5 white engl
Schermafbeelding 2019-12-07 om 16.30.46.

25 May - 1 September 2019: Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle


Groupexhibition 'Zomerexpo'. Theme: Europe.



 Zonder titel, houtskool en soft pastelk
tekenkabinet achterkant flyer.png
flyer Tekenkabinet 2019
flyer biotopendag!.png
uitnodiging with tsjalling cherry pickin
uitnodiging tsjalling cherry 2.jpg
uitnodiging art noord.png

9-13 August 2017: Museum Waterland, Purmerend, Tekenkabinet

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© 2017 Erica Scheper 

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